AVP Holiday Card – 2013
31 December 2013
Artwork by Stephanie Housley from Coral & Tusk (printed card and laser-cut audiocassette)

All Images on this page are copyright protected and may not be reproduced or used without permission from AudioVisual Preservation Solutions.
More Podcast, Less Process Holiday Edition
23 December 2013
Episode 5 (née 4.5) of More Podcast, Less Process, the archives podcast, has been released. “Year End Wrap Up — The Archivist Says…” is a special holiday edition of the podcast, collecting brief interviews with real live archivists recorded at the 2013 New York Archivists Round Table Awards Ceremony and the 2013 Association of Moving Image Archivists annual conference. Josh (and guest interviewer Seth Anderson) go on location with hard hitting questions such as “What is your name?” and “What’s the most awesomest thing in your collection?” Enjoy the pre-holiday cheer as part of your holidays, but enjoy responsibly.
As always, you can listen through iTunes, Soundcloud, and Internet Archive; find information and direct downloads on the More Podcast, Less Process page at keepingcollections. org, or follow our RSS feed at http://morepodcast.libsyn.com/rss.
AVPreserve Releases New Metadata Web Tutorial
3 December 2013
In the digital realm, metadata is not just the key to discovery and retrieval as it is with analog materials, but it is also a critical component to collection management and all aspects of preservation. This is especially true with the technical and administrative metadata embedded in files which tell us the exact specs of the file and can give a clue to provenance and other information that establishes the authenticity and quality of the file. The ability to read, write, and track this embedded metadata is a standard activity of digital preservation, and utilities such as MediaInfo and Exiftool form the basis of many workflows and tools used in file creation and monitoring.
To help people understand how to use such digital preservation mainstays, AVPreserve has begun to record a series of tutorials walking through how the tools work and through real use cases for the utilities. We have just released our first series on the use of Exiftool conducted by Consultant Kathryn Gronsbell. The four videos and other resources can be found on our website here and through our Papers page. Happy embedding!
AVPreserve Welcomes Rebecca Chandler
2 December 2013
AVPreserve is pleased to welcome Rebecca Chandler to our growing team. Rebecca holds a BM in Music Technology from NYU, and after establishing a distinguished professional career as an audio engineer with companies such as Broadway Video and Sony Music Studios, she earned her MLIS with an Archives certificate from Pratt Institute. Her primary focus with AVPreserve will center around providing analysis and recommendations regarding the digitization of legacy media — including workflows, equipment, infrastructure, and staffing — as well as work in the area of collection assessments. Since our founding AVPreserve has prioritized the importance of hands-on, real world technical experience converging with archival practice as part of the service we offer and the knowledge we share with our partners. We’re excited to be bringing someone with Rebecca’s skills and experience on board and look forward to continuing this tradition. Welcome, Rebecca!