An Interview with Kara Van Malssen on the DAM Operational Model
14 February 2023

AVP recently published AVP’s Operational Model for DAM Success, authored by Kara Van Malssen. This operational model, pictured to the right, is a thorough, holistic look at what it takes to launch and sustain a healthy and successful digital asset management program. The video below is an interview with Kara Van Malssen about the DAM Operational Model from the creator’s perspective.
Topics in this interview include:
- Inspiration and background behind the DAM Operational Model
- How to think about implementing the DAM Operational Model
- The target audience for this model and who it will work for
- Whether this model is only for DAM, or if it also works for MAM, PAM, digital preservation, etc.
- Why leadership should care about, and invest in, getting digital asset management right
- The costs of getting digital asset management wrong
- Why each of the components are important and how we should think about them within the model:
- Purpose
- People
- Governance
- Technology
- Process
- Measurement
- Culture
- How AVP uses the DAM Operational Model in our work every day
- What’s next for the DAM Operational Model