
AVP Services for DLFforum & DigiPres

By: Amy Rudersdorf
November 12, 2020

AVP’s years of involvement in the digital preservation and libraries community has shaped the services we provide. With our deep understanding of needs and challenges, we have developed a mix of services, products, and resources for organizations of all sizes. Explore them below and reach out when you are ready to discuss a project. I-do-not-ingest-in-jest


Digital Preservation Assessments and Audit Packages– Identify areas of need, prioritize, and plan for next steps 

Digital Preservation Go! – A low-cost maturity assessment tool combining self-directed surveys with one-on-one time with an AVP consultant 


Aviary– AVP’s audiovisual streaming platform with advanced permissions, searchability, and transcripts

Fixity & Fixity Pro (coming soon)- Automated monitoring and reporting on the data integrity of stored files.


DOCUMENT THIS. And This. And This, Too
Digital Preservation Storage- The Basics
The Benefits and Drawbacks of DIY Digital Preservation
Digital Preservation Webinars

