Chris Lacinak Instructing NEDCC Preservation Workshop
April 15, 2014
AVPreserve President Chris Lacinak will be in Boston this week to conduct an audiovisual preservation workshop on Friday, April 18th. Sponsored by the Northeast Document Conservation Center, Audiovisual Digitization: Preparing for a Successful Preservation Project will walk participants through the various decision points of developing the specifications for a statement of work (SOW) for a video digitization project. The combination of lecture and hands-on activities will help attendees understand the importance of those specifications, the impact and reasoning behind selecting different specifications, and how a well thought out SOW can help make a preservation project run more smoothly and help an organization achieve their preservation goals. A copy of Chris’ white paper Guide to Developing a Request for Proposal for the Digitization of Video (and More) can be downloaded for free from the Papers and Presentations page.
Prior to founding AVPreserve had many years of experience as an audio engineer and digitization service provider, and has since been involved with many working groups and standards setting organizations to help develop recommendations and target specifications for audio and video digitization. We appreciate NEDCC arranging this workshop and supporting the sharing of knowledge and the preservation of our shared audiovisual heritage.