
There Will Be No Digital Dark Age

11 May 2016

by Bert Lyons

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AV Archives Night 2016: Call for submissions

27 April 2016


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Digital Asset Symposium on May 4th in NYC

26 April 2016

AVPreserve President, Chris Lacinak has put together a stellar program for the Digital Asset Symposium (DAS) being held at Scandinavia House’s Victor Borge Theatre on May 4th. DAS is a unique international event that brings together an unparalleled cross-section of domain experts in a pragmatic, engaging and educational format to discuss the most current challenges and breakthroughs in managing digital assets today. The lineup of speakers and presentations at DAS was curated to bring about the cross-pollination and convergence of ideas, inspire innovation and invigorate progress. See the speakers and topics below and we look forward to seeing you there!

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Possession is nine-tenths of the law. Metadata is nine-tenths of possession.

18 March 2016

For centuries, the verbs to handle, to use, and to wield have been used in reference to physical objects. Today, the handholds created by metadata allow us to employ these same verbs in reference to digital assets. We handle files, use data, and wield information. Text-based digital files, such as Word documents or OCR’d PDF files, provide metadata that make search and discovery as easy as a game of catch with a Velcro ball and mitt. Every word or character within the document serves as another Velcro loop, greatly increasing the chances of connecting with its partner in crime, the Velcro hook, when performing a search. All of the loops and hooks that exist in text-based documents make discovery relatively effortless…almost child’s play.

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What is the chemistry of digital preservation?

18 February 2016

When we develop preservation strategies for paper-based materials an essential consideration is the underlying chemistry of the physical materials themselves. Paper is an organic compound, made of cellulose fibers, or, sometimes, a mix of cellulose and lignin fibers. Cellulose is a polysaccharide of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, C6H10O5.

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Amy Rudersdorf Joins the AVPreserve Team as Senior Consultant

8 February 2016

We are very excited to welcome Amy Rudersdorf to the staff of AVPreserve in the Madison office. Having built and led multiple departments charged with providing data management and preservation services, Amy has extensive experience in the administration, operation, and technologies required to maintain and leverage digital assets over the long term. Most recently Amy worked with the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), an organization providing a platform for centralized access to collections consisting of millions of digital assets from thousands of disparate organizations throughout the US. In her role with DPLA, Amy consulted with contributing organizations to aid in the creation, mapping, transformation, and normalization of their metadata to meet DPLA requirements. Amy has taught preservation and metadata courses at the graduate level and participates on national and international committees and advisory panels related to metadata, digital preservation, and coordinated efforts around large-scale aggregation of audiovisual content. Read more about Amy here.

Library of Congress Releases AVPreserve’s New BIBFRAME Report On Technical Metadata For Audiovisual Resources

8 January 2016

AVPreserve is happy to announce the release of the results of our recent study (on behalf of the Library of Congress) of technical metadata for Audiovisual resources in the context of BIBFRAME.

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BIBFRAME AV Assessment: Technical, Structural, And Preservation Metadata

8 January 2016

This report presents the findings of a study conducted by Bertram Lyons and Kara Van Malssen of AVPreserve, on behalf of the Library of Congress, to evaluate the existing state of technical, structural, and preservation metadata for audiovisual resources in the bibliographic environment in light of existing standards for audiovisual metadata, and to make recommendations about how BIBFRAME can support the expression of such information. This study follows on our May 2014 report titled, “BIBFRAME AV Modeling Study: Defining a Flexible Model for Description of Audiovisual Resources,” also commissioned by the Library of Congress, which explored and provided high-level recommendations on a flexible data model for audiovisual resources.

BIBFRAME AV Modeling Study: Defining A Flexible Model For Description Of Audiovisual Resources

8 January 2016

Lead by Kara Van Malssen, AVPreserve completed this report, commissioned by the BIBFRAME team within the Network Development and Standards Office at the Library of Congress, to evaluate the content description needs of the moving image and recorded sound communities and to specify how those requirements can be met within a semantic bibliographic data model designed generically to support all content types found in libraries.

The Creator and The Archivist

6 January 2016

A significant portion of certain Archivist’s job is processing collections — the activity of arranging and describing materials that have been deposited with an archive. At times this is simple. For the most part it is difficult. Consider your own paper and digital files, and imagine someone who doesn’t know you personally sifting through those files and computer desktop and download history and et cetera trying to make sense of what is there and what is important.

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