
Pixels, Lines, And Bits: An AV Preservation Primer

16 April 2015

On Thursday, April 16, 2015, Kathryn Gronsbell spoke at the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) in Brooklyn. The event, “PIXELS, LINES, AND BITS: An A/V Preservation Primer for Artists”, was a discussion around personal archiving and preservation approaches for artists interested in stabilizing their work so that it can be available in the short- and long-term.

The presentation and Q+A session was an introduction to concepts like preserving and managing media, how you can leverage your time and money to make more sustainable decisions, and what the benefits might be now and in the future. Thank you to NYFA and Independent Media Arts Preservation for helping organize this event. See NYFA’s Highlight Reel from the discussion.

The Things We Do: This Must Be The Wrong Lock Because I Have The Right Key

19 March 2015

Ah, the question. What do you do? Saying that we do consulting and software development isn’t inaccurate but it never feels adequate either, because it leaves out so much of what is critical about being good at what we do.

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Indiana University Announces Release of MediaSCORE and MediaRIVERS

12 March 2015

Indiana University announces the release of free, open source media preservation prioritization software created in collaboration with AVPreserve.

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AV Archives Night 2015 Call for Submissions

12 February 2015

After the great success of our First Annual AV Archives Night at SAA 2014 we’re excited to be planning our 2nd First Annual AV Archives Night party to take place August 19th during SAA 2015 in Cleveland. We learned a lot from our first go round, so this year promises to be much improved and just as fun. We have acquired a loft apartment minutes away from the conference center to have our presentation, and there will be free refreshments (additional contributions appreciated). We have a number of submissions so far but are looking for more!

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ISO 16363: Sizing Up The Standard

29 January 2015

This presentation from Seth Anderson covers recent efforts at AVP to reframe the often information-heavy results of ISO 16363 audits into straightforward data points based on scoring criteria with actionable recommendations for achieving compliance. The presentation includes examples of different applications of the standard as a means of assessing developing digital preservation infrastructure and planning for completely new policies and systems.

Additionally, extensive work with the standard has revealed inconsistencies and repetitive elements that cause confusion and difficulty in interpreting and applying the requirements of a trustworthy digital repository. Seth posits an altered hierarchy to address these issues in future versions of the standard, an approach that looks to such documents not as a static, inflexible set of guidelines, but pragmatically as a framework to apply and continually refine as results and technologies change, much like digital preservation itself!

Implementation Of Systems For Media & Digital Asset Management In 10 Steps

29 January 2015

Kara Van Malssen‘s presentation from the Take Control of Your Records! conference at the National Audiovisual Institute in Warsaw, Poland offers 10 steps an organization can take to help ensure successful implementation of a media/digital asset management system.

Make It Happen

19 January 2015

As we saw in the recent #WhyAmIAnArchivist Twitter hashtag, for many people one of the inspirations to becoming an archivist is the thrill of discovering lost documents that unlock the past (or unlock an ancient vault full of gold or autopsied aliens). Life is an encoded puzzle written in invisible ink, and perhaps, just perhaps, that misplaced letter or oral history or receipt from 7-11 will shade in the image just a little bit more, enough to make out a fresh answer to the mystery or somehow better connect the present to the past.

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Estimating Duration of Open Reel Audio

10 December 2014

UPDATE: Find a simple Excel spreadsheet Duration Calculator here.

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Another Fowl Thanksgiving

25 November 2014

Growing up, my most memorable Thanksgiving was a non-Thanksgiving. 90% of my extended family lived in the Portland area, so all family events took place there, but we lived 3-4 hours away in southern Oregon.

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Maybe It Should Be Living Dead Media

19 November 2014

I’ve been a long time fan of zombie movies. And I’m old. I’m letting you know this so you know that I’m not some Johnny-rise-from-the-dead-lately who jumped on the zombie bandwagon with World War Z or The Walking Dead.

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