
Digital Preservation Is People

14 November 2014

Preservation is a resource heavy endeavor. People. Time. Equipment. Infrastructure. Facilities. Space. Training. And, I suppose, some cash-ola.

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AVPreserve Upcoming Events – Not Slowing Down for November

10 November 2014

Just as we’re catching our collective breaths after the intense conference month of October, AVPreserve is setting off again for a number of November events with our passports in hand. Senior Consultant Kara Van Malssen is currently in Mexico City as part of the instructional team for SOIMA-LATAM 2014: Safeguarding Sound and Image Collections. Part of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), SOIMA brings together archivists from across the globe to provide an intensive course over several weeks in order to train them on the care and preservation of audiovisual materials. Kara’s instruction will largely focus on metadata. She has been an instructor in the SOIMA program for several years and always looks forward to meeting new international colleagues.

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Fear and Planning in the Archives

27 October 2014

If you’re reading this today, and if today is October 27th, then it’s the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage! WDAVH (say that five times fast) is an international celebration of the importance of audio and moving image archives, both for the significance of their collections as well as critical need for preservation, hence this year’s theme “Archives at Risk – Much More to Do!”

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FIAT/IFTA Cost Of Inaction Presentation

25 October 2014

AVP President Chris Lacinak was invited to give a keynote presentation at the 2014 Fédération Internationale des Archives de Télévision / The International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA) World Conference on the topic of our Cost of Inaction Calculator. The COI Calculator is a planning tool that provides estimated budgets and schedules over the long term so that one can begin to develop a preservation plan for beyond the immediate near term. By looking at the costs of physical storage and management, digitization, and digital storage, an institution can think about distributing costs over time while also considering the critical need for sustainability of preservation activities (and their associated costs) beyond short term fund raising or grants.

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage Releases

25 October 2014

In celebration of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on October 27th, AVPreserve is releasing several new or updated white papers that provide guidance on the preservation and management of audiovisual and digital media collections. To start, we have translated five of our white papers into Spanish in order to increase accessibility for a global audience. These first five papers cover processing of AV collections, preservation of optical media, cloud storage for archives, disaster recovery, and an introduction to Codecs. We hope to continue translating our resources and look to feedback on our efforts and future requests. The Spanish language papers can be downloaded for free at

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Documentos Técnicos en Español

24 October 2014

La publicación inicial de cinco de nuestros documentos técnicos traducidos al español. Esperamos traducir más recursos pronto y compartirlos con nuestros colegas.

Chris Lacinak Keynoting at International Television Archives Conference

20 October 2014

AVPreserve President Chris Lacinak will be presenting a keynote talk at the upcoming Fédération Internationale des Archives de Télévision / The International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA) World Conference in Amsterdam. FIAT/IFTA brings together a diverse group of international broadcast and state archives to discuss the issues and learn solutions to managing and preserving video content. The major shifts in the broadcast industry over the past decade to digital and online distribution (and the range from HD to streaming quality), as well as the increasing re-use of past content, have presented new challenges to archives responsible for the long term care and use of materials. FIAT/IFTA and its members have become leaders in developing and sharing solutions for these challenges.

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AMIA 2014 Featuring New Open Source Digital Preservation and Access Stream

30 September 2014

In cooperation with the AMIA Open Source Committee, we are excited to announce the Open Source Digital Preservation and Access stream at the Association of Moving Image Archivists 2014 Conference on Thursday, October 9th. The stream is identified by the acronym OSDPA within the AMIA conference program and consists of a stellar lineup of speakers giving presentations including:

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Call For Proposals, AMIA 2014 Lightning Talks

30 September 2014

Planning on attending AMIA 2014 in Savannah? This is a call for proposals for lightning talks that will be part of the Open Source Digital Preservation and Access Stream at the AMIA Conference. The session will be from 4:45-5:45PM on Thursday, October 9th and will consist of 10 talks that will be no more than 5 minutes (strictly enforced). Lightning talks should present interesting new concepts, applications, projects and innovations within the context of the stream. Please submit a 1-3 sentence proposal on your lightning talk along with your name, affiliation, subject/title, email address, and phone number. Please email chris[at]avpreserve[dot]com with your proposals by Friday, October 3rd. Those selected will be notified by Tuesday, October 7th.

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AVPreserve Ramping Up for October, The Month of Conferences

24 September 2014

The temperatures have (thankfully) cooled down, but our schedule hasn’t! The AVPreserve team is speaking at a pile of conferences in the month of October.

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