
Webinar – 4th Session: Technology Selection for Digital Preservation

8 February 2019

Registrations are open for the fourth session of the AVP Webinar Series focused on Digital Preservation. In this opportunity, Miquel Térmens, Dean of the School of Libraries and Documentation of Universidad de Barcelona and author of “Preservación Digital” (Barcelona, Editorial UOC, 2014), joins our consultant Pamela Vízner to talk about different approaches and methodologies for the selection of digital preservation systems based on their experience. This webinar will be 60 minutes long, followed by Q&A.

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AVP Introduces New Aviary Software Platform to Easily Search Audio and Video Archives, Collections, and Files

22 January 2019

The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies adopts Aviary, allowing their users to search 12,000 hours of video content in seconds

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Jan. 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — AVP, a software development firm focused on maximizing the usability of data, today announced Aviary, a new, cloud-based platform for publishing searchable audio and video content. With the new platform:

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Wisconsin Library Student Creates How-to Guides for AVP’s Exactly and Fixity

7 January 2019

During summer 2018, Kristina Warner, a student from the UW–Madison iSchool who was partnered with Outagamie Waupaca Library System (OWLS), Wisconsin, created two How-To user guides for Exactly and Fixity. These guides are now publicly available on the Curating Community Digital Collections (CCDC) site. Thanks to Kristina for putting the guides together!

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Happy Holidays 2018

12 December 2018




Because all of you let us into your lives in a very real way, we’ve created this card to offer you a sneak peek into the reality that underlies the annual creation of the AVP holiday card.

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Tape, HDD, SSD, Cloud, DNA… A sneak peek into the future of digital storage

18 October 2018

Briefings from the Library of Congress Designing Digital Storage Architectures Meeting 2018 (DSA)

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IASA Keynote: Designing Sustainable Collaborations for Impact

18 October 2018

Little known fact about me: I have visited Ghana 9 times in the past 11 years. It has actually been one of the greatest privileges of my career thus far to work with NYU professor Mona Jimenez and several other collaborators helping build capacity for audiovisual archiving with the archives, broadcasters, libraries, and museums in Ghana. So I was excited and honored when the board of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) invited me to present the closing keynote at their 49th annual conference, which was held in Accra, Ghana, October 1-4, 2018. It was an incredible event, and I am eternally grateful to the IASA board for letting me share this story.

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Guide To Developing A Request For Proposal For The Digitization Of Video (And More)

8 September 2018

Clear articulation and understanding of goals and specifications is essential to ensuring the success of any project. Whether performing digitization work in-house or using a vendor, a statement of work or request for proposal serves as the foundation of the project.

This resource is intended to guide organizations in thinking critically about and discussing – internally and with vendors – the salient aspects of a request for proposal and the details within. Although this guide uses video as a focus point it is relevant and applicable for all media types.

AV Archives Night is Wednesday, August 15

9 August 2018

The Society of American Archivists annual meeting is right around the corner, which means that  AV Archives Night is here, too!

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Announcing AVP’s B2B4C Program

7 August 2018


In the next few weeks we will be rolling out new web pages and announcements dedicated to the formation of strategic partnerships with other providers of services and products. In this blog post, I want to make clear what this does and does not mean and provide a bit of background on the philosophy and logic behind this move.

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AVP Webinars 2018 – 3rd Session: AVCC

17 July 2018

Registrations are open for the third session of the AVP Webinar Series focused on Digital Preservation. In this opportunity, our consultant Pamela Vízner will present the functionalities of our app AVCC, a specialized software for collaborative cataloging of audiovisual collections. This webinar will be 45 minutes long, followed by Q&A.

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