
OHMS – Avalon Integration Now Available

17 July 2018

We are proud to announce that OHMS is now available for Avalon!

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The American Presidents

15 June 2018

By Mark E. Griffin

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AVP Webinars 2018 in Spanish – Session 2: The OAIS Model

9 May 2018

Registrations are open for the second session of the AVP Webinar Series focused on digital preservation. In this opportunity, Perla Olivia Rodríguez Reséndiz, researcher from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) will join our conversation presenting on the OAIS (Open Archival Information System) model and its application to sound archives. This webinar will be 45 minutes long, followed by a Q&A.

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AVP Webinar Series 2018 in Spanish

19 March 2018

AVP is pleased to announce the launching of a free webinar series in Spanish with a special focus on digital preservation. We will present some of our free tools and their latest developments. Additionally, we will invite experts in the region to talk about topics related to digital preservation, such as digitization, digital preservation systems and tools, digital preservation fundamentals, case studies, and more! Each 45-minute webinar will consist of a presentation followed by questions and answers.

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The Archives of PLACE — Fifth Annual AV Archives Night

1 March 2018

AV Archives Night logo - A Night of Audiovisual Storytelling

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The Noise and the Signal

22 February 2018

Ver versión en Español

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We Are AVP | Somos AVP

24 January 2018


***Versión en español abajo***

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DPN + AVP Collaboration wins 2017 NDSA Innovation Award

25 October 2017

We received some wonderful news today: it was announced at the opening plenary of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Digital Preservation conference in Pittsburgh, PA that the Digital Preservation Network (DPN) received the 2017 NDSA Innovation Award in the organization category, in particular for the Digital Preservation Workflow Curriculum that we collaborated on with them! The Innovation Awards were established by the NDSA “to recognize and encourage innovation in the field of digital preservation stewardship. These awards highlight and commend creative individuals, projects, organizations, and future stewards demonstrating originality and excellence in their contributions to the field of digital preservation.” We are truly honored and humbled by this recognition!

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Newsletter – Past Issues

24 October 2017

Harvard Digital Preservation Format Assessments

12 October 2017

Harvard Library collections include:

  • a variety of computer media that will be imaged using forensic disk imaging techniques,
  • image sequences, a format used primarily in motion picture film scanning, and
  • video assets in a variety of formats.

These materials will be preserved in the Library’s preservation and access repository – the Digital Repository Service (DRS). As a first step towards providing support for this material in the DRS, the Library engaged AVPreserve in late 2015 to assist with the analysis. The goals of the analysis were:

  • Recommended formats to accept and prefer for the DRS
  • Recommended technical metadata schema(s) to use for these formats
  • DRS content models for these objects
  • Recommendations for enhancing Harvard Library’s FITS tool to better support these objects

The driving principles of this work were to:

  • Provide interoperability with the existing metadata schemas and workflows of the DRS
  • Provide sufficient metadata for long-term preservation of these objects
  • Adhere to existing standards where possible
  • Propose simpler models over more complex ones where possible

Specifically the analysis was conducted in three areas: formats, metadata and tools. See assessment results on the Harvard Wiki page:

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