About Us
12 January 2017
Over the past months we have held a series of all-team meetings to take stock and revisit the fundamentals of AVP: who we are, what we do, and why we do it. An outcome of this is a series of statements that serve as a reference and reminder to ourselves as we move through busy days and the weeks fly by. We consider them something we can turn to as a guide for clarity, principled decision making and action. While our focus was initially internal, we have come to believe that it is important to make these explicit declarations accessible externally so that others who are not familiar with AVP and our culture gain insight into us as individuals and a company. We’re working on a re-design of our website this year, and eventually this will have its own section there, but for now we wanted to share it with you in some form.
AVPreserve Tool Survey
12 January 2017
Over the years we have created and distributed a variety of free and open source tools. Now we want to hear from you to help us better understand who is using them, where and how they are (or are not) being used, and what we can do to make them better. At the end of the survey if you choose to enter your contact information you will automatically be entered to win a $100 gift certificate from Amazon if completed by January 31, 2017.
AVPreserve Launches New Free Webinar Series
21 December 2016
We are pleased to announce the launching of a free webinar series, kicking off with a look into three essential open-source tools developed by AVPreserve. Each 45-minute webinar will consist of a demonstration of the tool followed by questions and answers.
Requirements gathering for technology selection
19 December 2016
(Blondie’s “One Way or Another” illustrates the challenge of acquisition without requirements.)
Try5 — An SAA Initiative for Ongoing Growth
31 October 2016
[Originally published October 31, 2016 on the Society of American Archivists’ blog, Off the Record:]
Oral History Collection Management: An Annotated Checklist For Archives And Libraries
5 October 2016
This high-level checklist was created by Bertram Lyons for a program coordinated by the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts on collecting and preserving oral history materials in libraries, museums, and archives. This checklist does not consider the act of recording oral histories as a collector or interviewer; it documents basic principles for managing oral history collections within a collecting repository.
Are we there yet?
5 August 2016
As I’ve been writing this post, I’ve had Michael Jackson’s Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ in my head. You too?
Third annual AV Archives Night Shines the Spotlight on Southern US
19 July 2016
Join AVPreserve for the third annual AV Archives Night, coinciding with the Society of American Archivists annual conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The event, a night of movies and sound highlighting archival collections from organizations in the southern United States, takes place from 7:30 to midnight on August 3rd at The Sound Table (483 Edgewood Ave SE) in the Old Fourth Ward.

Left: Still from “Selections from John Parrott Home Movies.” Mid-1950s. Courtesy of Appalshop. Right: Still from “Egypt (USA),” by James E. Clay, Sr. ca.1929. Courtesy of the Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody Awards Collection, University of Georgia.
The proof is in the standards pudding
21 June 2016
There are a lot of numbers in this post. This song by Kraftwerk might be useful: “Pocket Calculator.”
Archival Musings: The Importance of Place
2 June 2016
The author suggests pairing this post with The Village Green Preservation Society by The Kinks. Sweet jams make the musings go down easier.