
Launch your new DAM system – the right way.

70% of enterprise technology initiatives fail. Don’t let your DAM implementation become a statistic. Ignite is a comprehensive service that ensures your new DAM system is optimized for success from day one.

Our team considered several potential vendors for our DAM initiative. While the proposals were relatively equal in scope and budget, it was clear that AVP was the obvious choice for a partner. AVP has not disappointed – they have been a true collaborative partner and an absolute pleasure to work with. I truly can’t recommend AVP highly enough.
Program Manager Fortune 50 Technology Company

You’ve invested in a DAM system. Now you need to get it right.

Implementing enterprise technology is hard. If you’ve never set up a DAM system before, you may not realize the common pitfalls involved that can lead to:

  • Severely delayed implementation and launch timelines
  • Poor user adoption and even outright rejection of the system
  • Inability to scale and integrate the system
  • Wasted investment
  • Loss of trust

Don’t risk figuring it out as you go.

We know how to avoid common pitfalls and set you on a path to success.

There is a lot that goes into launching your new system. You’ll need to develop:

  • A realistic scope for the initial launch phase
  • Ready-to-migrate assets and metadata
  • Interfaces that align with business and user needs
  • A change management plan
  • Training, onboarding, and support for users

That’s our expertise. While your DAM vendor sets the stage with robust technology, we ensure it’s optimized and effectively integrated into your business.

AVP had a defined process and helped us through making sense out of ‘chaos’ – and providing transparency and a roadmap through entire process.
Vice President, Marketing Operations Fortune 500 Financial Institution


Your DAM system operating at the highest level.

Your assets will be easy to find and use, they’ll be secure, and your content operations will be streamlined. You’ll have a solid DAM foundation to enable efficiency, automation, and high performing content.

On time, on budget

Avoid surprises that can derail your software implementation.


Set your system up to scale and grow with your organization.


Launch a system that that people actually want to use.

Modules are available individually or as a bundle:



Kick off your DAM implementation project with:

  • A clear strategy and scope
  • A step-by-step action plan
  • A comprehensive roadmap with milestones for the initial implementation phase



Ensure that your users can quickly find and use the assets they need. This module includes:

  • A detailed audit of your existing assets and metadata
  • Development of custom metadata and taxonomy structures
  • Design of effective navigational search and browse features
  • Guidelines for data creation and tagging to ensure data quality over time.



Integrate the new DAM into your team’s existing processes through careful user experience and workflow design. You will get:

  • Requirements for system configuration, including future integrations
  • Collaboratively developed future-state workflows
  • Usability testing with with end users prior to launch
  • Guidelines for onboarding new teams and workflows over time



Protect against accidental and intentional misuse of digital assets through robust system permissions. This module includes:

  • Development of custom user groups, asset permissions, system privileges
  • Role-based user acceptance testing to validate user permissions
  • Guidelines for effectively adding new users and changing permissions over time



Move assets and metadata from legacy, siloed systems to a single source of truth in your DAM software, without risk of data loss. This module includes:

  • A migration plan for up to 3 source systems, including step-by-step instructions and a quality assurance plan
  • Mapping of assets and metadata from 3 source systems to your DAM
  • Test ingests for each source data set
  • OPTIONAL – full migration of source data



Enable user adoption with a go-live and change management process that gets everyone onboarded, trained, and equipped with the resources needed to succeed. You’ll receive:

  • A launch and communication plan/schedule
  • A user support and feedback plan
  • Custom training resources and sessions
  • Two weeks of post-launch user support

starting at $45,000

Save when you bundle two or more Ignite modules.

Each of the modules above are available individually or in bundles.

Please schedule a call so we can discuss your needs and develop a custom proposal for you.

AVP is the gold standard. They have been a game changer for us.
Head of Corporate Archives Fortune 500 Financial Organization
Frequently Asked Questions
Doesn’t my DAM vendor offer these services?

Great question!

Nearly all DAM vendors offer professional services during the implementation stage. These are often technical in nature: infrastructure set up, configurations, integrations, migration. And they will typically provide training for system admins.

However, most don’t offer in-depth services to design the foundational aspects that will set the platform up for success at your organization. Things like metadata, taxonomy, user groups and permissions, navigation, and workflow design.

They also don’t typically offer custom support for go-live aspects including strategy, launch planning, change management, and user onboarding and training.

That’s our expertise. Your DAM vendor provides a great platform, the technical expertise to ensure it performs, and a roadmap that provides you with the latest technology innovations. We provide the bridge between the platform and your organization.

Does it matter which DAM we get?

No, many of our services are agnostic to the specific DAM system. However, we have been trained in, and have extensive experience with many of the leading platforms.

Can I buy these modules individually?

Yes, we offer Ignite modules individually. Reach out and let us know what you’re interested in.

When is the right time to reach out to AVP?

In an ideal scenario, AVP is engaged before the DAM is actually procured. However, we frequently work with organizations after they have contracted with their DAM vendor. Reach out and we’ll figure out how best to plug in to your journey regardless of where you are.

Why do I need AVP?

AVP implements DAM solutions for organizations all day every day. It’s THE thing we do and we do it better than anyone else. Getting a DAM implementation wrong can be very costly, both financially and otherwise. The financial repercussions of a failed implementation can far exceed the cost of the DAM itself. Additionally, non-financial costs can include loss of trust, damaged morale, career setbacks, and reduced chances of future success. With our extensive experience and expertise, AVP ensures that your implementation is done right the first time.

We have a DAM that was already implemented and isn’t working well. Can AVP help?

Absolutely. In addition to the DAM implementation services detailed above, we offer DAM optimization services. Whether your DAM needs a full on rescue or you want AVP’s help as part of your ongoing tweaking to get every last ounce of value you can out of your DAM we can help. Reach out and let us know what you’re looking for.

Ready to put your data and digital assets to work for you?

Contact Us