
Third annual AV Archives Night Shines the Spotlight on Southern US

By: Amy Rudersdorf
July 19, 2016

Join AVPreserve for the third annual AV Archives Night, coinciding with the Society of American Archivists annual conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The event, a night of movies and sound highlighting archival collections from organizations in the southern United States, takes place from 7:30 to midnight on August 3rd at The Sound Table (483 Edgewood Ave SE) in the Old Fourth Ward.

Left: Still from “Selections from John Parrott Home Movies.” Mid-1950s. Courtesy of Appalshop. Right: Still from “Egypt (USA),” by James E. Clay, Sr. ca.1929. Courtesy of the Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody Awards Collection, University of Georgia.

The main event for the evening is a screening of historic videos and oral histories from eleven (and counting!) institutions from across the US. In addition, throughout the night, Lance and April Ledbetter of Dust to Digital will provide a collection of music spotlighting the sounds of Georgia. And, all-archivist band, Glass Plate Zero, will play a set of “history’s greatest rock and roll.”

Participating institutions include:

Glass Plate Zero is:

The night’s venue, The Sound Table, serves small plates and cocktails from 7pm, so consider dining in house before the event.

Still from “Lemuel (Life) LaRoche on racism, policing, and stereotyping,” by Lemuel LaRoche and Alexander Stephens. January 2015. Courtesy of Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, University of Georgia.

Still from “Lemuel (Life) LaRoche on racism, policing, and stereotyping,” by Lemuel LaRoche and Alexander Stephens. January 2015. Courtesy of Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, University of Georgia.

To top off the evening, AVPreserve’s own Bertram Lyons and Dust to Digital’s Lance Ledbetter will spin some of their favorite records from Memphis and Atlanta respectively at The Sound Table’s bar. See the Facebook Event details here:

AV Archives Night is sponsored by AVPreserve, with support from the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA), Dust to Digital, and the Digital Library of Georgia. Have a question? Contact Amy Rudersdorf at or tweet the hashtag #AVArchivesNight