Top 10 Library Of Congress Subject Headings Added In The Aughts
December 3, 2009
Though The Library of Congress Subject Headings and similar stricter taxonomies have gotten a bad rap from the tagging / folksonomy crowd, there is something necessary and wonderful in classification structures. And in a way, the Subject Headings are their own form of “social tagging” — exploring newly created headings reveals how they mark the changes and trends in society and the larger culture by referencing the need for ways to describe the materials that are entering libraries. My Top 10 New Subject Headings below (and others) can be found at the Library of Congress’ list of weekly updates.
*Subject Headings are classified in the 15X fields, with explanatory notes listed below them in the higher numbered fields.
BT = Broader Topic
RT = Related Topic
UF = Used For
10. April 2009, The This American Life Effect
155 Compilation radio programs [sp2009025039]
680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for radio programs that are composed of pre existing broadcast or unbroadcast radio programs, or portions thereof. Radio programs made up of different episodes or stories which are usually connected by a theme, event, location or original author, often having a wrap around tale, are entered under Radio anthologies.
455 UF Compilations, Radio
455 UF Radio compilations
555 BT Radio programs
681 Note under Radio anthologies
155 Radio anthologies [sp2007025592]
680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for radio programs made up of different episodes or stories which are usually connected by a theme, event, location or original author, often having a wrap around tale. Radio programs that are composed of pre existing broadcast or unbroadcast radio programs, or portions thereof, are entered under Compilation radio programs.
455 UF Anthologies, Radio
455 UF Anthology radio programs
555 BT Radio programs
681 Note under Compilation radio programs
9. March 2000, Language, Naming & Structure Are Beautiful
(C) 150 Brown-headed cowbird [May Subd Geog] [sp 00004502]
053 QL696.P2475 (Zoology)
450 UF Molothrus ater
550 BT Molothrus
8. October 2007, Trends Serious…
(C) 150 Climatic changes—Effect of human beings on [May Subd Geog] [sp2007004712]
450 UF Anthropogenic effects on climatic changes
550 BT Human ecology
(C) 150 Gays in the military [May Subd Geog] [sp2006000714]
* 450 UF Gay Armed Forces members
* 450 UF Gay soldiers
7. October 2007, …And Trends Faddish
151 Hale-Bopp comet [sp 97000501]
* 053 QB723.H17
* 053 QB723.H17 (Comet) CANCEL
* 451 UF C/1995 01 (Comet) CANCEL
* 451 UF C/1995 O1 (Comet)
* 451 UF Comet 1995 01 CANCEL
* 451 UF Comet 1995 O1
* 451 UF Hale-Bopp’s comet
(C) 150 Nintendo Wii video games [Not Subd Geog] [sp2007007398]
450 UF Wii video games
550 BT Nintendo video games
150 Piracy [May Subd Geog] [sp2006001424]
* 680 Here are entered works on acts of robbery committed at sea for personal gain. Works on acts of armed violence at sea that are committed for political motives and are not lawful acts of war are entered under Maritime terrorism.
* 450 UF Maritime piracy
* 681 Note under Maritime terrorism
6. September 2001, Knowing Before It Was Known
(A) 150 Attrition (Military science) [May Subd Geog] [sp2001008445]
450 UF Wars of attrition
550 BT Strategy
(C) 150 Bomb threats [May Subd Geog] [sp2001009878]
450 UF Bomb scares
450 UF Scares, Bomb
550 BT Threats
5. June 2003, Signs of the Times
* 150 Armored personnel carriers [May Subd Geog] ADD GEOG [sp85007330]
* 450 UF APCs (Armored personnel carriers)
150 Christian conservatism [May Subd Geog] [sp2003001882]
* 550 BT Religious right
4. May 2000, Concerns & Their Usurper
(C) 150 Genetically modified foods [May Subd Geog] [sp 00006274]
450 UF GM foods
450 UF Genetically engineered foods
550 BT Food
550 RT Food–Biotechnology
(C) 150 Indians as mascots [May Subd Geog] [sp 00006248]
450 UF Indian mascots
550 BT Mascots
(C) 150 Islamic leadership [May Subd Geog] [sp 00005089]
680 Here are entered works on leadership within Islamic institutions and organizations. Works on Islamic views of leadership are entered under Leadership–Religious aspects–Islam.
450 UF Muslim leadership
550 BT Leadership
681 Note under Leadership–Religious aspects–Islam
3. July 2002, Everything Has Its Place
150 Aesthetics, Mongolian [May Subd Geog] [sp2002005582]
450 UF Mongolian aesthetics
(C) 150 Amusement parks–Uruguay [sp2002007551]
(C) 150 Chlorosis in literature [Not Subd Geog] [sp2002007624]
2. November 2008, On The Minds Of All Americans
155 Political radio commercials [sp2008025557]
455 UF Political radio spots
455 UF Political spots (Radio commercials)
555 BT Radio commercials (Advertisements)
(C) 150 Splatter films [May Subd Geog] [sp2008008408]
450 UF Gore films
450 UF Spatter films
450 UF Splatter horror films
450 UF Splatter movies
450 UF Torture porn (Film genre)
550 BT Horror films
(C) 150 Thriftiness [May Subd Geog] [sp2008005647]
450 UF Frugality
550 BT Finance, Personal
1. August 2009, Life Goes On
(C) 150 Latex garments—Erotic aspects [May Subd Geog] [sp2009007035]
550 BT Erotica
— Joshua Ranger