AVP has worked with the New Jersey Public Broadcasting Authority on the New Jersey Network collection going back to 2012, beginning with use of the Catalyst Solution to inventory approximately 120,000 audiovisual items. Following the inventory of these items, NJPBA used the resulting data to raise funds in order to digitize, preserve, and make these materials available.

After successful fundraising NJPBA engaged AVP again to support a variety of efforts, consisting of:

  • Prioritization and selection for digitization.
  • Creation of a digitization statement of work for video and film.
  • Vendor vetting and selection.
  • Specification of equipment for internal quality control and ingest.
  • Documenting protocols for performing quality control and ingest by internal staff.
  • Management of the digitization project.
  • Data transformation and migration from legacy databases and data sets for increased item-level description.
  • Transcription of paper-based records for increased item-level description.
  • Meeting and coordination with strategic content partners on hand off of media and metadata for the provision of access.
  • High level digital asset management system requirements documentation and system analysis.

These efforts, generously funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, have resulted in the digitization, preservation, and access of an extremely important collection that was at risk of permanent loss.

Read the next Case Study

Performing Arts
Propelling Carnegie Hall’s Rich Past into a Digital Future
Propelling Carnegie Hall’s Rich Past into a Digital Future